All that being said, I decided to combine my love of blood sausages with my love of the grill. The Brits aren't known for grilling (too much rain, probably), but these sausages work great over hot coals. Throw in a few English bitters -- another British staple under appreciated in the old colony -- and you got yourself one hell of a meal. Check it out at D.C. Foodies.
The Washingtonian just released their list of the best bars in the city. I grabbed a copy while picking up a pound of coffee and some chocolate covered bacon (see above). I haven't cracked the issue yet, but I'm ready to be disappointed. I've become such an opinionated ass about such things that I fear I'll nit pick all their selections. On the other hand, the bars and restaurants I like, I really like. So maybe I'm right after all.
The reason I haven't gone through The Washingtonian is I'm trying to finish Brewing Up A Business, the book written by Dogfish Head founder Sam Calagione. I'm pitching in at a beer dinner he's hosting this week and want him to sign my book. So I figured I should be able to say something about it if he asks. It's an interesting book, particularly it you're thinking about opening your own brewery or brewpub.

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